

We get our cars serviced regularly because we don’t want to wind up stuck on a hard shoulder in the middle of nowhere.

We should do the same with marketing too. After all your hard work, you don’t want to discover that it has been undermined by an element of your marketing plan that doesn’t work as well as it once did.

Our marketing review helps you understand how your business objectives and marketing goals align with your marketing activities. It also provides recommendations to take away with you, or pursue with us.

Strategic Planning

It’s very tempting to want to hit the ground running and leave the marketing plan for another time, either because it’s a bit intimidating or because you are simply too busy. We understand! Unfortunately though, this usually leads to costly ineffectiveness and missed opportunities.

Aubrey works to understand you, your brand and your target audience, and then construct an effective plan off the back of this information.

We can help you whether you have a small start-up and have never seen a marketing plan before or if you already have an established marketing team and would just like a fresh pair of eyes to take a look.


A marketing plan will never work if it’s never looked at! By running a workshop, your whole team has the opportunity to get involved and understand what marketing you are doing, why you do it, and what it means for them.

On top of all this, they can share their wisdom and experience. This can enhance your marketing plan and send it in wonderfully effective directions. At the same time, this can be an ideal place to drop ideas when you discover, from your team’s feedback, that they just won’t fly.

Through a range of exercises, Aubrey’s workshops allows every member of your team to become a passionate advocate of your marketing.

Campaign management

Even with the best strategic marketing plan in your hand, it can be a challenge to implement it.

Aubrey picks up the slack from a marketing plan we have designed with you or we can discuss how we can work together on your own plan. Either way, we can help you to achieve your marketing goals without the stress of extra responsibilities.

Event Management

Marketing events raise your profile and enhance your credibility. They can be the perfect opportunity for your target audience to take that next step in their relationship with your organisation.

Aubrey specialises in planning and running marketing events. We have organised intimate dinners at secret locations with international speakers, to city-wide networking events, to celebrations with thousands of delegates over multiple days.

We will sit down with you to understand the objectives of your event and then put a plan in place which keeps you in the loop without you having to manage all the spinning plates.

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